Horror In Stephen King's The Boogeyman

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One of Stephen King’s short stories would be The Boogeyman which indeed falls into horror genre. It takes third person point of view with dialogue that is first person which informs the reader about everything that is going on. The story starts off with Lester Billings the main character saying he wants to tell a story to his therapist Dr.Harper. He proceeds by saying,”All I did was kill my kids. One at a time. Killed them all”(Page 1), which makes the story interesting right from the start by attracting the viewer with ideas of murder and introducing the horror aspect of the story. Billings goes on about how his three children Denny, Shirl and Andrew were killed by the Boogeyman. His first child was the first case of the Boogeyman when Denny …show more content…

. . something moved. Back in the shadows, by the closet. Something slithered.”(Page 5). He heard Shirl saying something about claws and then it transitions to her dead body. There’s seems to be a sign of guilt when Billings was looking at Shirl’s body since he described that her eyes seemed shiny almost saying,”it got me, Daddy, you let it get me, you killed me, you helped it kill me” (Page 6). The family decides to move away to a new house to see if there’s a change and Billings wife gets pregnant again with baby Andrew Lester Billings. At first Billings is not fond of the child but sharing the same characteristics of his father sure did make Billings adore Andrew. Soon Billings is the one who becomes the coward, not opening closets afraid something might attack him. Billings didn’t want the Boogeyman to kill Andrew just like Denny and Shirl so he brought Andrew to sleep with him Rita in his room. Suspense builds up when sign of the Boogeyman appears in their home after a year without appearance. Billings states,” One night every door in the house blew wide …show more content…

Lots of fear arises within the main character knowing that the clawlike creature is back. Andrew is moved to his own room, the first night of the moving, the Boogeyman strikes again. This time Billings was aware of the attack but he just let it happen, he stated” And I knew how much I loved him because I ran...I didn't even turn on the light...it was shaking him...I heard it when Andy's neck broke”( Page 9). Billings was such a coward that he just watched his son die instead of doing something to save him, he just ran away from his problem and went to a nearby diner for hours. Dr. Harper wants to help Billings out by telling him to make more appointments to deal with his problem so he agrees and goes to the front desk but no one is there. The element of surprise comes in when Billings goes back to Dr. Harper's office. The story stated,” So nice,' the boogeyman said as it shambled out. It still held its Dr Harper mask in one rotted, spade claw hand”( Page

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