Hopelessness In Sonny's Blues

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Sonny’s Blues Narrative In Baldwin, James’ narrative titled Sonny’s Blues the theme of hopelessness is found throughout the text, and is developed just at the start of the chapter as the teacher leaves the train station, deep in thought. The teacher was shocked with what he had read in the papers about his brother who had been arrested for drug peddling. His heart is heavy because he is not sure if he will see his brother again and deep down he feels that he has let his mother down in looking after his brother Sonny. The trend comes as a sign of hopelessness and despair because people who are from higher social classes could only be worried about which prominent lawyer to hire to take on the case or what private schools to send their children to. Hopelessness is further displayed as the teacher ponders that his brother, Sonny, had started using drugs when at the same age …show more content…

The teacher uses darkness as a representation of the future that was awaiting the students. Darkness in the future is commonly used to describe hopelessness and despair, just like his brothers situation. Additionally, the fact that the teacher thinks that his students are thinking about drugs as he teaches algebra only emphasizes the hopelessness in the society because the kids are supposed to be future leaders and role models. The teacher begins to perceive that the students’ laughter was not a joyous one but that of insular mocking. The teacher’s perception of the children’s’ laughter further shows the theme of hopelessness as one expects a teacher to associate kids’ laughter with happiness, but he associates it with a curse. The teacher doesn't has much faith in humanity or in others, because of the

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