Hope In The Diary Of Anne Frank

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The Holocaust was basically the fight between which one is powerful hope or fear. “Think of all

the beauty still left around you and me happy” - Anne Frank. I believe hope is more powerful than

fear. The Holocaust separated the feared and hopeful Jews, it was all about the way people had to

have hope. Many people believe the Holocaust was the separation and the fight between the Nazis and

Jews, it was the separation between these two groups but it was also about the fight of the to have hope

and to fear. In the text “The Diary of Anne Frank” , “Homesick” and “Life is Beautiful ” was both

about hope for a new beginnings it was not just the fight to of becoming a Jew.

In the “Diary of Anne Frank” Anne Frank always had hope. At the end of the play when Miep …show more content…

Guido was a Jewish man and he got taken to a concentration camp where he was not aloud to

see his wife and he had to take care of his son so he wouldn’t get taken away from him. Through this all

Guido lied to his son about being taken away he told him that they were only ther because they were on

a mission to get a tank and if they got 1000 they would win. Through that he was having hope taking

care of his son hiding his son while he was at work, he may have been lying but he was doing the best

that he could because he wanted to have hope that he could get reunited with his wife Dora. So from

this there was power because you may ly because you are trying to have hope. Guido died trying to

have hope, his son did find his mother, but look how much power in there is hope still.

It did take awhile for people to realize that if you have hope and you do not stop just because it

does not happen when you want it to it will turn into something powerful. Fear is not far away from us it

is all around, there are many examples of hope, these people in the Holocaust had hope and look what

happened to them. The Holocaust did change the way of hope for me. These people were

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