Honey Bees Persuasive Essay

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In our world we need honey bees, honey bees help us grow the crops that farmer grow for us to be strong and healthy. Bees have been disappearing. A lot of people think that bees just make honey and are dangers, which they are not. Bees have been disappearing for years and been a lot have been dying lately. Bees are not that harmful they only sting if they feel like they are in danger or some one or some thing is or trying to kill them.

Why we need honey bees any ways? With out honey bees we will not have any crops and we might day one year later because, honey bees help us make those crops. How you ask? Well bees the scent of pollen draws them to plants and flowers. Bees then pollinate those crops. With out bees the whole world entire food supple would be in danger then we might die about one year later. With out bees there will be no more crops to sell for the farmers. Farmers can crop, but they have to stop putting all those bad chemicals. Chemicals are not only bad for bees they can harm other animals too. …show more content…

Some are like diseases they might die or they won't help out with the crops no more either one.n When farmers spray their crops with chemicals, bees eat the chemicals during pollination. Some chemicals can kill the bees are even injure them. Different pesticides affect bees in many different ways. Some bees can be kill instantly with those chemicals. For example neonicotinoids is a chemical that is harmful, but can also kill bees well that chemical does it that when the bees go and pollinate the flowers that will be the last time they ever pollinate because when they pollinate the flower with that chemical they don't really attracted to the scent no more. That will be the last time the bees will pollinated

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