Homosexuality In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight And Huntress

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Fantasy literature is often used as a template for authors to showcase their personal views on things like sexuality and race. When it comes to homosexuality in fantastic literature, it has always been present. In early works, however, homosexuality was often masked with innuendos. The texts Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Huntress by Malinda Lo (2011) are two prime examples of fantasy, both past and present, that use homosexuality as a way to further their plot line. It is appropriate to compare these two stories, because they follow a somewhat similar storyline that uses homosexuality/ homoeroticism to enhance the story itself, albeit they each do it in a vastly different manner. These differing presentations help to showcase how the representation of homosexuality in fantastic literature has changed over time as well as how male versus female same sex relationships are presented in fantastic literature. In the story Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, there is a strong underlying sense of homoeroticism. …show more content…

Carolyn Dinshaw writes about her views on this display of homoeroticism in her article “A Kiss Is Just a Kiss: Heterosexuality and Its Consolations in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” Disnshaw claims that by using “heterosexuality's powers of normativity…the poem both produces the possibility of homosexual relations and renders them unintelligible” (Dinshaw 206). She goes on to say that the poem produces and precludes homosexuality “in order to establish heterosexuality as not just the only sexual legitimacy but a principle of intelligibility itself” (Dinshaw 206). By this, she is claiming that SGGK uses the homoerotic tension between these two men as a way to emphasize the importance of heterosexuality. Similar to the claim of Dinshaw, David Boyd

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