Homo Sapiens Agenda Quotes

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Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda, a novel by Becky Albertalli.

In the novel ‘Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda’ by Becky Albertalli. Simon finds a user through tumblr that helps him go through being gay. A fellow schoolmate, finds out about Simon’s true identity and Simon gets blackmailed. Simon is also having difficulties coming out to his family and friends.

The theme I have chosen for this personal response is Identity. This relates to people in society today as a lot of them don’t know their identity or are unsure of it, being sexually or culturally. Identity is shown in the novel by Simon’s sexual identity and his “coming out” stage. “Do you ever feel locked into yourself? I’m not sure if I’m making sense here. I guess what I mean is …show more content…

Being homosexual is legal in some parts of the world but is still not 100% accepted in society, this makes coming out for teens hard, as it can result in bullying, mocking and even blackmailing. It was wrong of Marty to blackmail Simon and use him for his own benefits, and Simon shouldn’t be afraid to come out to his family and friends. This shows that people can take advantage of other people and people shouldn’t be afraid to be themselves. “Straight people should have to come out, and the more awkward it is, the better”. Even in a well developed society, people see coming out a very frightening stage and this happens all over the world to people who are not heterosexual. Though it may be legal, not everyone in society accepts it which leads to bullying and mocking in some stages. “But I'm tired of coming out. All I ever do is come out. I try not to change, but I keep changing, in all these tiny ways. I get a girlfriend. I have a beer. And every freaking time, I have to reintroduce myself to the universe all over again.” This shows that people who want to “come out” will have some difficulties from other people’s opinions and …show more content…

Simon is a relatable character to those who are scared of being themselves. He has a very stable family who are always there for him and he has friends who can understand him. Simon sees that he shouldn’t be afraid to come out to his friends and family, he shouldn’t care what other people say about him and let other people use him just because they have something against him. He discovers that he should just be himself and not let others get to him.

Simon finally came out to one of his best friends but he couldn’t tell the others, but later on it was too late as a post about him being gay was posted online. So he decides to accept it and follows along and tells the rest of his family and friends that he’s homosexual, he ignores the gay remarks and mocking given to him by other schoolmates, and learns that being himself is the right thing to do and other people’s opinions should not get to him. “But maybe this is a big deal. Maybe it’s a holy freaking huge awesome deal. Maybe I want it to be.”

Overall in the short story ‘A dead woman’s secret’ By Guy de Maupassant. Gave me a more understanding that you can't keep a secret forever, whether it’s a big or small secret, it should be told to someone that will support you and understand

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