Homework Should Be Taught In Schools

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The nation's youngest students are doing three times as much homework as is recommended (Caspari). Homework has been around for a long time in one form or another. Teachers should stop giving students a lot of homework. Teachers should stop giving so much because they have given more useless paperwork, students have no time, it is stressing students out, and every single student is different.
Lately it seems to be that teachers are assigning more and more homework that is just useless. A 2008 study by University of Toronto researchers found that 75 per cent of parents believe their children now have "somewhat" to "much more" homework than they did as children (Luke). A College in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region, undertook a pilot project …show more content…

Denise Pope, a Stanford professor and a co-author of "Overloaded and Unprepared," told Today that "Kids are not going to give up their Extracurriculars, but then they are stuck with all this homework, so the things that get left out are actually really important things like chores, family time, and sleep" (Caspari). If a nine year girl can only manage one night of Brownies then there is something wrong (Luke). "How many hours a day can they be spending on academics?" Abeles asked. "They need to develop in other ways. They need time with families and friends. They need time to do nothing” (Boccella). "A lot has been written about adults having real time off from the workday, and that it improves creativity and productivity," Abeles said. "We're doing the exact opposite with kids. It's insanity" (Boccella). All work and no play makes for a really stressful …show more content…

The 2013 American Psychological Association survey, for example, found that 45 percent of U.S. schoolchildren were stressed-out by school and homework was the leading cause (Boccella). Alfie Kohn, who wrote The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing a decade ago, argues, too much homework can cause considerable harm, raising levels of frustration, anxiety, and family tension while robbing time for imaginative play and outdoor exercise, and most importantly crushing the potential to get excited about learning (Boccella). Anne Heffron, principal of Merion Elementary in Lower Merion, said, “ I think sometimes homework is a bigger stressor for parents than for the kids” (Boccella). It doesn’t help that a D students are expected to do the same work as an A

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