Homelessness In Canada

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Homelessness is an issue that seemed to be prevail across many developed countries. In Canada, the rate of homelessness is increasing, and it no only limited to one specific group of people Currie, Greaves, Golden, & Latimer, 1999, p. 17). There are many faces that homelessness has, which are, males, females, young, old, immigrants, refugees and the borne Canadian citizens. One of many topics that homelessness is connecting to is poor health. To understand the health of a population, many researchers usually only look at the biological or genetic predispositions that make up the group. There are many other factors that is important which are the life experiences, social and economic experience. All these factors have been an important due to the role that it plays within the individual or people lives. Within the studies of social determinant of health, some of the factors that many peoples agree that have affect the individual or people health is income and the social- economic status. There are many evidences that have proved that the individual income plays a big part in determining the person health. People who are in upper class are more likely to be more health than average or poor family. People or …show more content…

Some of things that they are expose to are the extreme weather, unhygienic living areas, and the danger of assault that they face everyday will living on the street. Due to their living condition, it also have a impact on their health, which are usually worse than normal people. The Homelessness action plans for Toronto (19990, explain homeless people are at a higher risk on infectious disease, premature death, acute illness, and chronic health problems. Also have a higher risk of suicide, mental health problems, and drug or alcohol addiction. Their state is worsened by poor nutrition, poor hygiene, and a higher likelihood of experiencing violence or trauma on the street or in a shelter (p.

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