Homeboy Sandman's Song America The Beautiful

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Ever since people started coming to America they all had one common thing in mind which is the American Dream. Yes the American dream is possible, however it is different for everyone and in most cases not realistic. The American dream is a complex work of art that only a handful of people get to truly experience. Out of all the songs that were published on this topic homeboy sandman’s song “America The Beautiful” really showed how diverse the American Dream really is. The song talks a lot about the privileges that Americans have that other countries do not. One of the lines in the song says “ Okay the streets aren’t paved with gold At least they paved tho” (America, the beautiful) which means that even though it is not perfect at least there is something. The song is all about appreciating what America has to offer, however the whole song is about a person who lives in poverty and is trying to make the most of public school and the blessing it is to have food stamps however these people that live that way have a lesser chance of getting out of that situation and succeeding in life, meanwhile there are people who are born into the upper class families that are given the opportunity to go to prestigious private schools and are …show more content…

In the novel it talks about how some people have dreams to become billionairs or saving the world from what is happening, while others have dreams to be the best video game player in the world (RPO). This pretty much shows how everyone’s American Dream is a little different from one person next to, yet they still strive to reach what they believe is the right form of the dream to satisfy their

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