Hitler's Secret Chapter Summary

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In the book Hitler’s Secret the setting takes place in WWII. The author begins the book with a boy trying to survive in WWII in Dunkirk, France. The boy’s lungs were burning, and his eyes streaming with tears. (pg.1) It then switches to a girl in England during the same war. After that the author switches to an Admiral, and Prime Minister Churchill. A girl with long chestnut hair leaned right out of the passenger window of a black car as it hurtled down Haverstock Hill towards the center of London. (pg.4)Then the boy and the girl meet with the Admiral a year later. The author keeps me interested by switching characters and years. At first I didn’t know what was happening, but I still wanted to keep reading. “The boy was running across his school’s cobbled courtyard as fast as he had across the bullet-riddled sands of Dunkirk a year ago.” (pg. 13) …show more content…

The Admiral talks with the Prime Minister about some plan that I want to know more about.“This matter is above and beyond top secret, for your eyes only.” (pg. 12) The Admiral wants the girl to help him with something very dangerous that I don’t know about that I want to figure out. The girl learns that the Admiral wants her and the boy to rescue a child. “Important but very dangerous. She’s just a girl, Admiral,” added her mother, sighing heavily. (pg. 36) The Admiral doesn’t give them details about the child. Leni wanted to know more about the child she was rescuing. “Who is this child?” she asked. McPherson pursed his lips and held up his hand. “I don’t know, Leni. I have not been told her identity.”

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