Hitler's Response To The Bombing Of Guernica

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The world should have responded to Adolf Hitler for the bombing of Guernica it was a tragic event that occurred in history that shouldn't have. Adolf sent his troops to bomb Guernica on April 26, 1937 so that his troops would have practice bombing a town. 2,000 people were killed/wounded because of Adolf Hitler’s “Practice Run”. This event in history was one of the prejudices to World War 2, Adolf knew war was coming soon so practicing bombing towns and city was a necessary for Adolf. Guernica was one of the casualties in Adolf’s road to victory. The world should have responded to Adolf Hitler for the bombing of Guernica It was a tragic event that occurred in history that shouldn't have it was Unnecessarily brutality to the fullest, one of …show more content…

Picasso's painting is responding to the bombing of Guernica, during that time the Spanish government ordered Pablo Picasso to design a large mural for display at the Paris Exposition in 1937. To Pablo Picasso it was his way of expressing his political loyalty to Spain. Guernica is now represented as an anti-war piece. Guernica shows the disaster of war and the pain it spreads on the people around. The mood set in the painting show distressed people, animals, and buildings in chaos. When looking at specific parts in the painting each person or animal has a different emotion shown. Picasso shows each person by rendering pain and disorder in important ways. In the painting it shows the woman crying for the death of her child, which shows Germany’s practice of Blitzkreig. The painting is also in white, grey colors, and black. Which make a dark tone and makes the eye focus on important features. The people's faces and the hidden images of a horse and bull; which are two elements that have great importance in the Spanish culture. Guernica is how Pablo Picasso's voice about political events are expressed that war and death effects a town and its residents

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