Hitler's Promises To The Nazi Party

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In January 1933 Adolf Hitler was selected by President Hindenburg to be Chancellor of Germany with the help of the Vice Chancellor Franz Von Papen. Although the Hitler and the Nazi Party had made several great promises to the people of Germany, I do not think that the people liking these promises played the most significant role in getting Hitler the Chancellorship.

During the economic stability of the 1920s many people in America made gamble on the stock market as an easy source of income. It was likely to make a large amount of money with little investment in shares and stocks. Prices of these shares and stocks continuously went up and so investors kept them for a small amount of time and then sold them for great profit. On 3rd September …show more content…

His voice captivated audiences. Hitler tailored his speeches to each individual audience sometimes emphasising how he could solve the problems of the youth, on other occasions the problems of the farmers. At all times however, he emphasised the problems brought on by the failures of the democratic Weimar government, and that his party could solve these …show more content…

Many of these were lies however some were carried out when the Nazis came to power. In the early 1920s Hitler mad a lot of promises to very powerful people, especially business men, to secure their financial and political support. Hitler’s original promise as leader of the Nazi was to abolish the Treaty Of Versailles and make Germany a great country and a leading power in Europe. These ideas were outlined in his book Mein Kampf, which he wrote while serving a prison sentence for the part that he played in the Munich Putsch of 1923. Hitler fought in the first World War and, like many soldiers on the frontline, was extremely surprised and disappointed when the armistice was announced. He felt betrayed by the ‘November Criminals’ who signed the Treaty. As nearly every German thought the Treaty was ruining their once great country, Hitler knew that he could use this to his advantage. He presented himself as the Hero who could help Germany back onto its feet. Another of Hitler’s earliest promises was to rid Germany of communism. Hitler’s hate for the Communists was second only to that of the Jews. Many influential rich Germans were scared of the communists because of Germany came under Communist rule they would lose everything. These people were eager to back Hitler when he said he would get rid of the Communists. This proved

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