Hitler's Last Days Bill O Reilly Analysis

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Adolf Hitler was a horrible man that killed many Jews, because he thought it was the right thing to do. Reading, “Hitler’s Last Days” by: Bill O'Reilly, and multiple other reliable sources has made me believe and want to spread the word that the World would have been much better off if Hitler had faced the consequences of his actions. Many people of all backgrounds and opinions also strongly support this fact. Hitler knew he was going to die, either way and he decided to take his life rather than becoming a Russian prisoner. I mean just imagine all the good it would brought the world if he had faced the consequences. Hitler would have become a Russian slave and we would have gained more information through him, the World War II would’ve been won, and Hitler would’ve got his just desert. In the first place, Hitler would be caught and become a Russian slave forced to give the world information through him. After being caught and brought to headquarters Hitler would be integrated by the top notch interrogators. After the interrogation the world would have been given so much more information. Such as telling future attacks, German battle strategies and all sorts of other information and happenings that was to take place. Having this information would surely benefit the world In the second place, World War II would finally be truly won against …show more content…

Hitler would be given (As stated in the text in the book Hitler’s Last Days) “A Punishment for all the 60-85 million people he has killed himself or has been ordered to be killed!” This would surely be much better for the world. Hitler would have got what has been coming to him without the simple embrace of suicide. Everyone to children, mothers, to an entire religion who has suffered by his hand being waved forth, would have their day and their sweet, sweet

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