Hitler's Crimes

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We are all witnesses of the wicked “evil” that, unfortunately, inhabits the world. We see it everyday on the news, streets, and maybe even in our own homes. Almost always, I hear stories of a person that was murdered, a innocent and young child being kidnapped, or how someone was robbed. The corrupted people that have committed these acts, or others that support them, want to justify themselves by saying they have a mental condition, or were on drugs, or simply were going through a rough time, that “caused” them not to think rationally. But, what if these impulsive actions originate from more deeper and twisted roots?
Take history itself, for example. Such as, the Holocaust, the Slave Trade, World War II, 9/11, etc.What do all these catastrophic and grievous events have in common? They all have the evidence to conclude that each and every human being is capable of becoming the devilious monsters they all fear. Who would have thought in the years before the Slave Trade that colored people would be treated less that a dog would have. And that they would be someone else’s “property”? Who would have thought that one man, Hitler, could become so powerful and could be accounted for so many horrific crimes? …show more content…

Humans tend to become oblivious to the fact that nothing terrible can or will happen, until it actually does. I, myself, have a tendency to forget that tragic situations could easily become my reality, just as simply as it had come to the unlucky few. One moment a student could be innocently working on their work in school, and the next gets pulled out of class only to find out their family had died in a fatal car accident. But, in deep consideration, isn’t it just as simple for a murderous crime to be committed as it is for two cars to lose control and collide with each

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