History of the Punk Movement

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“Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don’t let them take you alive.” Sid Vicious-Lead Singer of the Sex Pistols. (Brainyquotes.com) This quote by Sid Vicious from 1977 summed up the feelings of many of the Originators of Punk Music and the Punk lifestyle. The term Punk was coined by music reviewer Dave Marsh in 1971 to define a new and emerging style in music and culture. Anti-establishment in nature, Punk took its influence from the culture clashes of the 1960’s, creating a new style and sound that had a tremendous effect on fashion, art and youth culture in America and around the world. The effects of Punk are still felt on the cultural world today and the lifestyle is now being carried on by a new generation of young people. Punk Culture was influenced by a number of philosophical and movements including Anarchism, Nihilism and Marxism that gave Punk it’s revolutionary zeal. Punk Music though was more than a political statement, it was a lifestyle. “Punk is not just the sound, the music, it’s a lifestyle” stated singer Billie Joe Armstrong. (Brainyquotes.com). In 1972 the establishment of the club Max’s Kansas City in the Bowery Park section of Manhattan brought forth a new sound in music with original and influential acts such as the New York Dolls, Blondie, The Ramones and Richard Hell performing. Most notable of these and influential was Hell who was known for his nihilistic lyrics and for being the first performer to spike his hair, the first to rip his clothes, and to wear outrageous garishly colored clothes. He was a leading figure in the origination of punk music and fashion. His influences are stil... ... middle of paper ... ...rs and kept the Punk influence alive. There was not one single person, or a couple of persons that started Punk, nor did any single person orchestrate its ideologies or its strategies. Punk is, like Hip Hop and others, just another culture built around the strife of the youth as a reaction against stiff older aA natural occurrence in any social scenario where too many suffer under economic and political instability and incompetence, while at the same time, the fools in charge live lavishly – there will always be a reaction. (Rock and Roll Report pg.2) Punk Music and the Punk lifestyle has never gone away. It has evolved and adjusted for a new generation. It still represents as Patti Smith said in 1977 Freedom: “To me, punk rock is the freedom to create, freedom to be successful, freedom to not be successful, freedom to be who you are. It's freedom”.(Brainyquotes.com)

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