History Repeats Itself: Arthur Miller's "The Crucible"

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In the story The Crucible, the plot and structure add meaning to the play. Arthur Miller does this by connecting the events of the Red Scare to the Salem Witch Trials. He does this by making the comparisons of how easily it is to trust false things, jump to conclusions too quickly, and believe irrational fears. In the first act of The Crucible, the setting revolved around the community. The community was curious as to if witch craft was happening in the forest where Parris caught the girls dancing. Abigail told the truth that they were just dancing but, when Tituba confessed that she was a witch to save her life Salem then went insane. The community had the fear that the devil was coming to overtake Salem, just like the government in the United States thought communism was taking over. In the next act the setting is very intimate. During this act you start to see the affects that the girls are having on individual lives. Proctor confesses his affair with Abigail, who then sets up Elizabeth. Abigail claims Elizabeth sent out her spirits to stab her with a needle, when they come wi...

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