History Of Pass Law

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Pass Laws in South Africa
Pass laws existed in South Africa during the Apartheid era. The pass laws evolved from the rules made by the Dutch and British in the 18th and 19th century. Pass laws are type of internal passport meaning you would need an identity document to get into a particular place. Pass laws during apartheid was created to separate people from each other. Black citizens were forced to carry a passbook when they were outside of their homelands. In 1896 there were two pass laws one where black people had to carry a special pass book and one where black people had to wear a metal badge. Pass laws took away all their freedom and controlled the movement of black citizens. Males over the age of 16 had to carry a passbook when leaving their homes. Black people needed the passbook to get into particular places like their work place. The pass law had only applied to African men before the 1950’s. In the 1950’s they tried to apply the pass law on to women this lead to many protests. The pass laws were also created for cheap reliable African labour and to manage urbanization. Black African citizens were punished when they violated the pass …show more content…

What was apartheid about?
2. Did the Apartheid system affect you?
3. How did the Apartheid system affect you?
4. How was it like growing up in the Apartheid Era?
5. Why was Apartheid put in place here in South Africa?
6. How did Apartheid history have an impact on world history?
7. Were you involved in any of the protests and marches that took place?
8. What was it like growing up I apartheid when it came to having friendships?
9. Did you get involved in political resistance?
10. If you did, how? Tell us more about it?
11. What is a pass law?
12. What was one of the worst punishments you have seen?
13. How was your experience of the pass laws?
14. What people supported Apartheid?
15. Did you take part in the anti-pass demonstration?
16. What was a Dompas?
17. How has the pass laws affected

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