History Of Keropok Lekor

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keropok lekor is a famous snack food that comes from the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. It is dedicated Terengganu and now many commercialized worldwide. In general, crackers can be categorized as a kind of snacks made from flavored with fish or shrimp. The study was conducted aimed at promoting keropok lekor with emphasis on product packaging. Today, we can see many of the food product is not according to the characteristics that should be included in every packaging. To attract customers, the packaging must be twists and interesting. To obtain an attractive packaging should priority to the characteristics element. Produces a very creative packaging affects a packaging. Questionnaires will be the main method to use to …show more content…

That are many categories of Keropok Lekor. For example that are Keropok Lekor, keropok Keping, Keropok Chess, Keropok Lekor Bakar dan Keropok Lekor (frozen) and many other. Keropok Lekor is originated in Terengganu because the main ingredient of Keropok Lekor is fresh fish that come from the sea. The Keropok Losong name it was given the name suggests village is Kampung Losong Haji Su because Keropok Lekor only available in the kg Losong only but now can be found in Keropok Lekor anywhere. The special future about Keropok Losong is that crunchy and easy to cook. Keropok Losong as also be marketed by many IKS entrepreneur. Keropok Losong is offen frozen to be pack and s sales in Malaysia. According to Mohd Shahrani, who is one of Keropok Losong entrepreneurs, he said that Keropok Losong has preneurted are the international market and his now pre dosing Keropok Losong that is vacuum and that sale for rm5.50 it is in shop in petron Batu Buruk. He also said, Keropok Losong that is vacuum will be put in side the freezer to obtain the …show more content…

The product researcher has study is Keropok Losong (frozen) and the suggested promotional method is packaging design. The researcher will only focus on elements of packaging design specifically on visual elements. Other promotional method such as signage, or advertising (billboard, mess print, posters) will not be methoded for this study. The researcher will only focus on the elements of packaging design design as reported by newspaper article, interview and observation. The researcher will not focus on any Keropok Losong brand but in term of design in design development process in chapter four, the researcher will suggest a random name for the Keropok Losong brand and product.this is due to the issue regarding Keropok Losong in Terengganu which many products uses the same

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