History Of Corporate Governance

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As stated in the Nudge Theory in the 2000’s “…. that governance must be driven by needs of the people being governed, not by the governing authority.” Corporate Governance has over the past two decades become a pertinent subject in the corporate world owing to the control that rests in the hands of owners/shareholder, directors and senior officers of a corporation in the financial decisions of the said corporation. Corporate Governance refers to the systems by which a corporation is directed and controlled by its shareholders, directors, and officers. The structure of governance specifies the rights and responsibilities of different participants in the corporation with regard both to one another and outside parties. These laws generally …show more content…

In the narrow definition, it creates a sense of trust at the corporation level among the investors and owners/shareholders those who provide the capital for the corporation. While in the broader sense, good corporate governance creates trust and confidence in the market at the national level. History of Corporate Governance The need for corporate governance arose in the second industrial revolution during which there was change in the corporate structures as the United States and Europe started large enterprises such as the railways, the telegraph and mining which required salaried managers to manage the corporations instead of the owners/ shareholders. The milestone work of Berle and Means in their published work “The Modern Corporation and Private Property” in the year 1932 was the first to study the world of corporate governance. In their work Berle and Means talk about governance of corporations where there is separation of ownership and control and the shareholders (owners) place their trust mostly on the board of directors to represent the interests of the shareholder. According to their analysis, sixty-five percent of the largest two hundred corporations were manager controlled, which in their view signified de-facto separation of ownership and …show more content…

The objectives of the corporations, the methods of achieving the objectives set and the supervising performance are determined by the relationships between the shareholders, board of directors and its stakeholder which is essentially the structure of the corporations. The key aspects of good corporate governance is the transparency of the structure and operation of the corporation and accountability of the managers and board of directors to the shareholder of the corporation. Good corporate governance essentially creates an environment of trust between the corporations and providers of capital, it does not just provide access to finance but also helps the corporations in their operations while improving the strategic thinking by bringing in independent directors who bring a lot of experience, monitors the risk that the corporations face around the world, helps the stakeholders gain faith in the corporation and limits the liability of the top

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