Media Bias in Immigration, Healthcare and Gender Politics

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especially immigration, health care and education. They see a need to editorialize the news in order to make it more attractive to their audience” (Delgado). The Hispanic news channels, Telemundo and Univision, are the main news outlets for Hispanic immigrants, they provide programming that is exclusively in Spanish. These two networks have absolute bias control over the Hispanic immigrant community. The media takes advantage of this by trying to persuade them to think in a certain way by inserting bias opinions into their broadcasts. In many cases this is the main motive of media pushing one party over another. However, there is evidence to suggest that the Hispanic media may have another motive. College Professor, Alejandro Alvarado, specializes
This is especially true when women want to run for office in the United States government, there are many stigmas out there that discourages women who run for office. Unfortunately, this is nothing new as there have been many women throughout the history of our government that have felt powerless. These women have dreams of serving our nation in various political positions but are often discouraged because of this bias the media has towards them. In the last few pages of the book, Women for president, it reveals that “Few women have taken similar paths, and their awareness of bias and prejudice in the media probably adds to their reluctance to run” (Falk 192). This quote from the book is moving because it confirms the fact that most women who want to be represented in the government are not given a fair chance to do so. The government shows no sign of trying to encourage more women to run for office. There is evidence that shows that the media might be working in their favor and discouraging women who are considering running for high ranking positions in the United States government. Even though many Americans feel that Donald Trump is the subject of many news sources unfriendly bias, his ideals have often come front in center in the media. Many of these ideals are discriminatory towards women and many of his supporters agree with these toxic ideals. Recently, there was a case where a media outlet showcased some of Donald Trump supporter’s views on many touchy issues in the election. Even though the media that broadcasted this content presented it as a joke it doesn’t change the fact that the media showcased his toxic views to many of individuals around the country. The entertainment website observed how “One woman explained that women couldn't occupy the Oval Office because their hormones would prompt them to enter impulsively into foreign wars.” (Lampen). This

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