Hispanic Health And Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES)

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Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES) Describe study design details (Minimum 200 ORIGINAL words excludes quotes and paraphrases) I am researching the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES). This survey turned out to be the largest Hispanic survey ever done, despite the fact that this was not the original intentions of this survey. The HHANES was developed in 1979 and carried out over a two year period (1982-1984) in three regions of the United States (Delgado, Johnson, Roy & Treviño, 1990). The regions includes in the study were Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans and Cuban Americans. The study chose the Hispanic population as it research target because of its size and lack of current data on their health …show more content…

After doing additional research as to the major nutritional findings of HHANES, it appears that exposure to organochorine pesticide is playing a role in the health of Hispanics. In a second study Cox, Niskar, Narayan and Marcus (2007) titled, Prevalence of Self-Reported Diabetes and Exposure to Organochlorine Pesticides among Mexican Americans: Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1982–1984, used the findings from HHANES to make determinates on their own research. This makes HHANES a facility of information rather than an identifying study by …show more content…

(Minimum 200 ORIGINAL words excludes quotes and paraphrases) Both of the studies reviewed for this assignment lead information to how to better the health and nutritional status of Hispanics. The Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES) was the single largest collection of health and nutrition information on the Hispanic population and lends this information to make great improvements in the lives of Hispanics and all persons. By taking evaluations of health status and food intake along with socioeconomic influences can help to make the most beneficial solutions in improving the health of our nation. This will lead to healthier outcomes for everyone. In the second study that was reviewed, it was identifies that pesticides played a large role in the prevalence of diabetes among Hispanics. Whether this information can be solidified or not, it can bring a warning to the general public that the true effects of pesticides are unknown. And while it is not necessary to run off and buy all new and organic (pesticide free) food, it may benefit us all to revisit how much of what we do eat and the pesticide content in those foods. There is not a single way to be healthy but rather a collaboration of little things, and the more we know the more we can

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