Hinduism Research Paper

666 Words2 Pages

Madhura Dahale
Balvihar Final Essay
4 May 2018

Hinduism has survived for over 5000 years. The question is though, how has it lived through all these years when other religions have been created and died out? There have been various theories to why Hinduism has lasted that long.

One theory suggests that Hinduism is not a religion. This theory says that Hinduism is more of a culture than a religion. The article states that there is not one founder or holy book of Hinduism like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Hinduism has no specific founder and has many holy books all called the Vedas. There are also epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana. The people who support this theory say, “Religion is definitely a part of Hinduism and unfortunately people …show more content…

This theory suggests that Hinduism has progressed with the advancement of time. Every one of the Hindu beliefs have sensible and scientific ideas backing them up. For example, The ritual of taking your shoes off before entering the house. The belief is that you do not want to bring your outside problems to your place of rest. The scientific reasoning is hygienic. Hindus especially don't wear shoes in the pooja ghaar. The belief is that the place devoted to god should be the purest place of your house. These paradoxical and easy to follow beliefs are what has kept Hinduism praticed for so many …show more content…

The many Hindus have kept the religion going by passing down the beliefs to their children and grandchildren. I have gone to Balvihar for seven years now and learned about my religion and culture. As I wrote in January, Hinduism is important to me because it is part of my culture. Dharma is important too because it helps me do the right thing. Reincarnation is the belief that when you die your soul passes onto someone else. Also, Hindus believe that when you have passed your lifetime of information to the next generation, you have fulfilled your duty. Hinduism, one of the most practiced religions in the world, has been followed for over 5000

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