Hinduism: Now and Then

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Hinduism: Now and Then

Over time traditions came together to develop recognizable religious traditions which was eventually known as Hinduism. Hindu’s have many different practices such as Sanatana Dharma, Vedic worship, yoga and many other different rituals. Hindu’s also have many other beliefs and celebrations such as reincarnation, karma, prana, puja, samsara and many more. Hinduism is known for its beliefs, practices and gods and as the years pass by the religion still stands strong to what they believe.

It is not unknown when Hinduism began, but Veda scriptures state that they were written in the 1500 to 900BCE, but it is most likely that stories have been passed down for hundreds of years. (Fisher 76) Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in India and also contains 80 percent of the population. Some Jews came to live in India and moved in the eighth century, along with some Hindus as the religion moved in the Eastern direction. (moode.stfx.ca) Some Indians later became Christians. Between the religious change on the Indian subcontinent, Hindu’s have been seen as a “default” religion. (moodle.stfx.ca) Hindu meant “those who live in the Indus River Valley”. Hinduism was also referred to as Vedic Religion. (Fisher 72)

Karma has a different meaning in every religion, but in Hinduism karma is known to be the actions and their effects on this life and lives to come. Karma isn’t only the physical action a person makes, but also a person’s thoughts and desires will affect the future. Hindu’s goal is to get away from samsara, which is the cycle of birth, death and re-birth and to gain moksha, which is the liberation from the limitations of space, time and matter.(Fisher 79)One of the daily practices Hindu’s perform is Puja w...

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...He would present his happiness to others in hoping for them to join him.

To this day there is still rivalry between Hindus and Muslims because of the efforts to bring Kashmiri independence from India. Hindu’s today are receiving 10,000 ashams. (Fisher 116)

Hinduism has stayed the same in many ways over time. Hindu’s still believe, and pray to god and goddess. They also still believe in Karma and how it is a person’s actions and their effects on life and lives to come. Hindu’s still believe in reincarnation, yoga and Sanatana Dharma. They still have many celebrations such as Puja and they still believe in atman. Hindu’s celebrate Diwali on October 17th. Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights which is dedicated to the goddesses Kali Bengal and Lakshmi. (moodle.stfx.ca) Hinduism is still very alive and is hoping to continue its beliefs forever. (Fisher 112)

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