Hijab Research Paper

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Many people believe that in the Quran, which is the holy book of Islam that Muslims live by, men and women are not portrayed as equals. This is not that case at all. The Quran is pretty much the same for both men and women with the same obligations and the same rules. A woman is allowed to divorce a man, are allowed to inherit and own their property, and are allowed to, and often encouraged, to educate themselves. In the Quran it is stated that men and women “were created of a single soul” and in the eyes of God, are equally responsibly for their actions. One of the biggest things that comes up with Muslim women is the way that they dress. People assume that Muslim women have to cover their whole body up including their face. The way a Muslim woman dresses is one of the most focused things not only in the media that Americans are exposed to, but also in Muslim countries, however this is one of the most misrepresented and misunderstood things. The Quran requires that women dress modestly, but this also applies to men just as much. “Hijab” translates to “cover” in Arabic, which extends to mean modesty in a way. Hijab is something that Muslim women can practice; usually this practice has to do with the scarf that they wear around their head to cover their hair. The hijab is worn in different countries by Muslim women. It is worn in different colors, different styles, and in different ways depending on where in the world you go, however the concept remains the same. There is only a small minority that wears a full head covering along with a face covering that only shows the eyes. Muslim women are expected to dress modestly and in a way so that it does not attract attention. This generally means that a woman should cover her chest... ... middle of paper ... ...e a book by its cover” because of the fact that they want people to get to know them for who they really are on the inside. In no way is a Muslim woman just a silent and frightful being that hides behind her clothes, with no rights. These women are just like any other strong women in the world. They stand up for what they believe in and do not feel the need to succumb to the beliefs of how others feel they should portray themselves as. There is good and bad in every race, culture, and faith, as well as different pros and cons. One should not stereotype a whole group of people based only what is being fed to them through the media. Being educated and gaining knowledge is a key part in eliminating stereotypes and racism. Ignorance can be eliminated through knowledge. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”

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