'High Windows Features Of Larkin's High Windows'

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How far and in what ways is the poem ‘High Windows’ characteristic of Larkin’s collection High Windows? In the collection of ‘High Windows’, the poem ‘High Windows’ is based on the time of ‘summer love’, challenging the new non-judgemental society of the younger generation having liberated sexual attitudes during the 1960’s. The two poems which I will comparing the poem ‘High windows’ to, will be ‘Annus Mirabillis’ and ‘This be the verse’ which are representations of Larkin’s experiences of the ideas represented in these poems displaying the themes of change in social and sexual attitudes and the contrast of the two generations. The poem ‘High windows’ symbolises the transparency of life but there is still a physical and psychological barrier to life outside the ‘windows’ that we are unable to comprehend. As the windows creates a mood of reflection, that in fact the glass can be interpret as a mirror, rather than barrier but a reflection of our understanding of what life lies ahead. As it starts within us, as the thought of looking through the ‘high windows’ for meaning is impossible as the ‘sun-comprehending glass’, the sun sends a beam of light …show more content…

We find similarities in the poem ‘this be the verse’ as Larkin also diminishes the parents parenting as ‘fucking you up’. Even though they may not be aware of it ‘but they do’. Emphasising, that you inherit all your parents flaws, as they ‘fill you with the faults they had’, with your own added ‘flaws’ to the mix but, ‘they were all fucked up in their turn’, suggesting that the cycle of imperfections is considered as part of an unbreakable cycle. But, Larkin’s pessimistic view of parenting can be considered to be ironic, as he surely cannot believe such a barbaric

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