High School Volleyball

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People say that being a freshman in high school is very nerve-racking. I could see how this is a true statement. When I was a freshman in high school, I was very intimidated by several things like trying to keep my friends from middle school, trying to make the high school volleyball team, and trying to fit in with the older volleyball players. It might be hard to believe, but volleyball has helped me through all of these things. When I tried out for the high school volleyball team, I was very intimidated by the other girls and their talent. I knew for a fact that if I wanted a spot on the team, I would have to work for it, and that’s exactly what I did. I spent countless hours practicing volleyball at home, so that when tryout day came, I would surely make the team. I can remember the rush of energy I felt when I was told that I made the team, but not just any team, the varsity team! …show more content…

Later on, they even helped me to improve my skills. Not only did they help me with volleyball, but they gave me advice on what to do and what not to do in high school. There was one thing that they told me that I will always remember. They said, “Don’t let your ‘friends’ tear you down because you are talented. Real friends wouldn't try to tear one another down, they would try to lift each other up.” When they said that, it made a lasting impression on me. I finally realized that all this time my ‘friends’ were making me feel guilty for something that I worked hard for and earned. I also noticed that I was just letting people tear me down, and in the end, I lost a few people who I thought were my old friends. This upset me that I lost their friendship, but I gained more real friends than i’ve ever

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