High School Narrative

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Walking to school the first day I began to feel an uneasiness start to engulf me, of course this was my official first day of high school, and the only thoughts replaying in my head were the stories of how this could be the best or worst time of someone’s life. Although the walk to school was only fifteen minutes, I was on the verge of turning around and going back home, then my mind wandered further. Would I make any friends? What if no one liked me? The thought of walking into a school full of unknown peoplemade my stomach turn. Today means higher expectations, can I live up to what my family expects from me? This I do know, High-school is where I start my transition from a kid to an adult. It was fifteen minutes of endless possibilities. …show more content…

Thankfully, someone was in front to direct the roaming freshmen: first period was homeroom. I was handed a schedule, my eyes scanned every inch of it.Being a freshman I was thrown off guard by seeing forensics, wasn’t this a class for upperclassmen? Already feeling lost enough, I decided to just follow the schedule. After accidentally walking into the wrong class, I made it to forensics. Late, and utterly embarrassed on the first day. The teacher stopped me as soon as I walked in, opened my schedule and read the grade I was in, “You're a freshman?! Wow you're the only freshman here. This is a senior class.” My heart completely sunk. How could I be the only freshman? Could this be a mistake? Blankly starring at the board in disbelief, every single day was spent sitting next to the teacher’s desk which provided some comfort while absolutely dreading being in that class. Over the thanksgiving break we were assigned to do a project on a famous murder. I watched all the videos I could on it. I began to write notes about every single detail on it, my mind became obsessed with it. While working on the project, I felt a spark ignite within me, as if I was on the right path. As the school year continued every day I was more eager and eager to attend that

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