High-Jinks Shoot-Out Research

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For many teens, a violent game is nothing more than just a part of their daily life. Research has shown that these games are nothing more than a distraction that could potentially benefit kids. Yet some people still believe that these games are detrimental to teens. These games do not always directly correlate with violent actions in their daily life. Kids should be allowed to be involved in violent role playing games because the games can help students develop organization skills, teach dedication, create memories, and teach them how to be responsible. According to Guy Martin in his article “High-Jinks: Shoot-Out” (2009) “Students there have developed a seventeen-point rule book and a map of the safe zones around the school.” (p. 1) This …show more content…

They celebrated with a spaghetti dinner.” (p. 2)This evidence indicates that a reward at the end could teach students to dedicate themselves to something and stick with it as well as work hard. These skills could stick for some students and could carry over into school work and daily life. A simple reward at the end also can provide motivation for the kids. Some might say that providing a reward is corrupting the motives and morals of the participating students, but it is still teaching the kids valuable …show more content…

This is a skill needed throughout life and that will benefit these teens as they continue in their academic careers and in their daily lives. Despite this, some may believe that a judge may be biased. This may be true on occasion, but a judge is meant to keep the game fair and regulating disagreements, while still keeping it

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