Hierarchy Of Maslow Hierarchy

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Maslow, created a pyramid that would describe each level of a humans need to survive, to grow, develop and become successful; he believed that the drive to accomplish each level becomes stronger when a level is not being fulfilled. One lever must be mastered or accomplished before an individual can move on to the next level. Each level, has an interdependency, each setting the stage for the next level; physiological, safety, emotional, esteem and self-actualization are the five stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The needs of each level are the “unconscious desires”’ (McLeod, 2014) that drive an individual to success. Physiological is ones most basic of needs: food, water, air, sleep, the environment in which one lives. These needs must be met at the time of birth, as with out the first stage a person cannot grow and develop the mental abilities to move to the next level. Maslow’s hierarchy states that as one is starved of these needs the desire grows stronger to achieve it. Genie, a child that was found at the age of 13, only received the basics of life, food, water, air and nothing more. Her body grew, and life of the body sustain but development into the next level never happened; she was never able to achieve Maslow’s second level of the hierarchy. Genie’s story, although horrific is …show more content…

Emotions can solidify the second level of safety and assist in the transition to the fourth level of esteem. In Genies study, once she was discovered, she was used to be studied by the psychologist, the doctors and the world of inquisitive eyes. Genie was an object to be studied, not to say that hearts were not involved with in the research of her torture, but the fundamental relationships needed to grew, could not develop due to the lake of interaction in a loving, nurturing, caring way. This is as far as we can go with Genie, as she never passed the second stage of the

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