Hester Prynne Monologue

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Rationale: We will be presenting a courtroom drama which will use various exhibits to prove the guilt of the duplicitous townspeople. We will be switching roles in order to show that we understand the novel from many different perspectives, and so that we each can display our analyzation and individual thoughts and opinions. Judge: Welcome to the Higher Court of the Greater Boston area. Today, I will be presiding over the case of Hester Prynne v. The People of Boston. Unfortunately, the Puritans are at a church service at the moment, so we will be hearing from the defense alone. Ms. Prynne will be supplying you with scenarios and written accounts of the scenarios in question, while her defense attorney, Ms. Informed, will point out the …show more content…

I know that was difficult for you. How could it have been any different? The basis of this poor girl’s entire moral fiber was being ripped to shreds by the very same people she had been around her entire life. The lies in which this town is cloaked go much deeper than you may be aware. Even the things that are considered moral imperatives are no match for the Puritan’s hypocrisy. Every facet of Puritan life has a dark side, even that which may seem untaintable. I think it’s quite clear that this institutionalized juxtaposition between good and evil proves the fact that the Puritan’s inner hypocrisy led to the routine mistreatment of those who fell out of societal norms; namely, my client Hester Prynne. Judge: That’s a marvelous point counsel. The book which provided the basis for Puritan society is being patently disregarded in this instance. How could a so-called “religious society” be rooted in such deceit. It’s simply fascinating that there is such a clear dichotomy between the teachings and the actions of the Puritan people. Now, it’s time for you closing …show more content…

Their dichotomous actions do nothing but bolster these claims. Judge, we can both see that Hester is nothing more than an unfortunate victim and must be released of her oppressive

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