Heroic Qualities Of Beowulf

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What is a hero to you? Your definition of a hero is likely to be different from a lot of other people’s. For some it could be a parent, a community hero, such as a fire fighter or police officer, or even just a regular person that you find to be heroic. For the time of Beowulf, A hero was somebody that held amazing attributes that made them superior. Such as, having super strength. Beowulf is a man of legend that lives in the form of a myth that has been told for thousands of years. His story tells of how he conquers an evil that had become peril to many lives in a land that he was not his own. Beowulf was an epic hero of his time and showed many heroic qualities that include having superior strength, doing very brave deeds, and being significant …show more content…

Throughout the story, Beowulf shows his passion for doing heroic deeds around the area. One example of when he does this is in line 112 through 116. The text says “Heard how Grendel filled nights with horror and quickly commanded a boat fitted out, Proclaiming that he’d go to that famous king, would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, Now when help was needed.” This proves that Beowulf does brave deeds because it says it bluntly in the text. Beowulf heard about a terror that was going on in Herot, and set out to go help them and stop it. A little further on in the story, Beowulf arrives in Herot to talk to Hrothgar, the king, and tells him of some of the brave deeds he has done. In line 151 through 159 it says “They have seen my strength for themselves, Have watched me rise from the darkness of war, dripping with my enemies’ blood. I drove five great giants into chains, chased all of that race from the earth. I swam in the blackness of night, hunting monsters out of the ocean, and killing them one by one; death was my errand and the fate they have earned.” Here, Beowulf is boasting about all the brave deeds he has actually done. This is a great example showing how he does brave deeds because he even backs him self up by saying that his fellow men have seen him do these heroic things. Not far after this event, Beowulf asks Hrothgar if he will grant his request in doing this deed …show more content…

There are many different time where this occurs, but the first one that really stands out is in line 109 through 111. The text says “In his far-off home Beowulf, Higlac’s follower and the strongest of the Geats—greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world” This shows great significance and glorification to beowulf because it talks about how much greater and stronger he is than anyone else in the world. Not long after this part of the story, It glorifies Beowulf again, in lines 116 to 119, it says “None of the wise ones regretted his going, much as he was loved by the Geats: The omens were good, and they urged the adventure on.” This excerpt shows Beowulf’s significance because it talks about how he is “loved by the Geats”. It also talks about how none of the wise regretted his journey. This proves his significance because it shows how much Beowulf is loved by the people of his country. The third and final line in the story that glorifies Beowulf is line 149 to line 150. It says “My people have said, the wisest, most knowing and the best of them, that my duty was to go to the danes’ great king.” In this line it talks about how the wisest, most knowing, and the best of his people believe that it is his duty to go help the danes. This is a clear example of Beowulf being glorified because everyone of his country

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