Hercules: The Characters: Hercules A Superhero?

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Hercules a superhero?

Hercules, the most powerful and glorious hero of Greek mythology with his chivalrous behavior, unsurpassing strength, and athletic physique, is the archetypal figure whom modern men measure themselves against. Hercules demonstrates his strength and compassion through difficult labors, and through the destruction of incredible beasts and gods. Hercules, who in his earlier years was called Alcides, was believed to be the son of Amphitryon, but in reality was in fact the son of Zeus. Hercules was said to be a hero of courage as well, and was not commonly known to think with his head but rather his heart, his emotions were known to take over. Superheroes are heroes that can be either born ordinary and later obtain their designated “superpower” or they can be immediately born with the powers they will later be known for and in this case Hercules was always a god and born with his super strength. Overall though the specific ability that truly made his special was his super strength, which is why Hercules should be considered a superhero.

Hercules combined the finest qualities of the mind and heart, with the highest development of bodily capabilities, and under a succession of labors and sacrifices, strove to attain excellence. Throughout his life Hercules has what one might call “perfect …show more content…

There was no doubt that he was the son of a god and a true superhero because of the confidence, strength and lack of fear he displayed throughout time. It is obvious to see that Hercules was in fact a Superhero. Like many of you read today whether it may be Superman or Superwoman one thing is certain, each and every one of these superheroes are able to relate with some of the heroic characteristics Hercules had. Heroes come in all different sorts but there is no room for argument when it comes to Hercules being a superhero. Whether it be Hercules’ super strength or compassionate nature Hercules was one super

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