Herbalisl Medicine: A Brief History Of Herbal Medicine

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Along with this thesis herbal medicines will be our primary topic, it is then good to know the basic knowledge about herbal medicines, where did it came from and on how herbal medicine formed or even repacked.
First things first, an herb therefore is any plant or a plant part that is used to lessen unwanted symptoms, or boost overall health. Garlic, ginger, gingko biloba, and ginseng are just some of the many examples of herbs that can be seen at home. Because of its capability to heal specific illnesses these plants are called by now an herbal medicine (The Herbal Drugstore 8).
Since then, ancestors depend on the nourishment from plants. They have learned that some plants were edible, poisonous and to some that have the quality and capability to heal. This good and helpful discovery was being passed from generation to generation and even to the other side of the world (A Brief History of Herbalism).
In Mesopotamia, prescriptions of using herbal medicine were found in tablets made of clay. A Chinese emperor named Chi’ en Nung compiled 300 herbs in a book which is still use by now. Just like in China, India has also compiled a medicinal book called Vedas which reveals 500 Indian indigenous medicinal plants (A Brief History of Herbalism).
During the early 19th century, scientists’ started to study chemical components of herbs known. They then enhanced and make their own version of plant compounds. This is the reason why there is an existing rivalry between herbal and therapeutic medicines (Herbal Medicine).
Herbal medicine was also classified through its types and actions to the body. It is possible for a single herb to heal a lot of sickness. This is the reason why it would be best to know its classifications.
Herbs are classified...

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...armaceutical drugs. Thus, some concludes that it is far better to take herbs for it may cause fewer side effects. But taking medicines even if it is herbal should always pair up with care. That is why it is an edge to know more about herbal medicines (The Herbal Drugstore 11-14).
Other than its effects, drugs and herbs also differ from their price. Herbs in the first place are very cheap and may sometimes for free because it can be found in someone’s garden or backyard. Drugs are way too expensive especially those pills than can cure very serious illnesses.
Pharmaceutical drugs are more costly because it needs an approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Manufacturers of drugs spend a lot of money for research to be certain of how safe, accurate and effective their drugs may be especially to the illness it is suited for (The Herbal Drugstore 11-14-15).

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