Henry Bogardus United States Comparison: The Civil War

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The Civil War highlighted every aspect between the northern and southern states that was different. The Union and Confederacy had unchangeable views on politics, slavery, social classes, and means of economic achievement, thus caused constant friction amongst the divided nation. Since both the North and South would passionately stand by their beliefs, the Civil War would be inevitable due to the persistent patriotism each state had for their side of the United States. The South believed in state’s rights, supported slavery, had established the gentry class, and sustained the economy through agriculture, while the North believed in the country’s rights, was against slavery, had a strong middle class, and relied on industries for money. These differences were the main cause of the Civil War because northerners and southerners could not compromise with the one other without breaking away from their lifestyles. …show more content…

This meant the North and South would always have had their differences, and at the time, the states did not know how to handle the competition between each other. Resulting in secession and war, the United States has since then learn how to compromise. The Civil War was unavoidable because every American citizen was different, and the country needed a way to handle those differences. The outcome might have been a brutal war of brother against brother, but if the Civil War had not happened then it would have sometime because humans are humans. The country can now look back and move forward because we gained the experience to embrace each other's differences rather than to fight

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