Henry Baskerville Monologue

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Tonight, is the night I will end Sir Henry Baskerville and take the Baskerville fortune. My wife will take her place in the mine across the Grimpen Mire, waiting to release the hound. As for me, I will be dining with Sir Henry. He will never suspect that I would be the killer. In reality, I have not killed anyone, but I have rather been the cause of their let's say, distress. All I have to do is give the scent, and the hound will take care of everything. Just then, there was a knock at the door, and thus my plan had begun. ¨Good evening Mr. Stapleton.¨ ¨The same to Sir Henry¨ ¨Did I come at the right time? It seems I have lost my watch.¨ ¨Yes, you are just in time for dinner. It's a pity though.¨ ¨What.¨ ¨That you lost your watch.¨ ¨Oh, yes.¨ …show more content…

Then he opened the door and left without a word. Perfect, I thought. In the slightest way possible, he suspects something will happen. Which means he will be even more frightened with the hound when it finds him. I waited for a moment before making my move to spy on him. Then I quickly grabbed my coat and ran out the back door. I cautiously creeped around the house and then started the follow the path Sir Henry should have taken. Just then I heard a patter of feet on the moor and my beautiful hound came bounding out of the fog and towards a figure I assume to be Sir Henry. I quickly ran after him and the hound to find that two other figures were after them as well. They're going to foil my ingenious plan. I knew I had failed when I heard a bark, five shots from a revolver, and then a short lived wine from the hound. It all happened so quickly that I stood there, stunned by what had just happened. Then I came to myself remembered that they will soon start to look for the owner of the hound, by which is most definitely me. So I ran and ran until I reached the dangerous parts of the my path. Beryl had lit candles along the safest path the day before, so I would be able to make my way back without getting sucked into the

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