Hemophilia Research Paper

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Adriana Parham English I Part II Assignment 3_6

“A Study of Hemophilia, Mortality Rates, and Its History”
By Adriana Parham, James Madison High School Student
Hemophilia is one of the oldest inherited blood disorders, dating back to as far the 2nd century A.D. Low levels of the blood clotting proteins Factor VIII and Factor IX are what cause this blood disorder. Symptoms in people who are affected by this blood disorder, are internal bleeding, bleeding for prolonged periods of time after surgery or injury, spontaneous bleeding in the joints, and nosebleeds. Also, people with inhibitors may be at increased risk for joint disease, or even death if they are not diagnosed early enough.

An Introduction to Hemophilia, Data, and Statistics …show more content…

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2017), Hemophilia A affects 1 in 5000 male births, and 400 babies are born with Hemophilia A each year. Hemophilia A, and Hemophilia B are two of the most common types of Hemophilia. Hemophilia A is caused by low levels of the blood-clotting factors known as Factor VIII, and Hemophilia B is caused by low levels of the blood clotting factor known as Factor

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