Hematite Research Paper

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Earth; our home and sanctuary. It is the only place our human civilization has ever lived on. Every single human to have ever existed has been restricted to life on this planet. In a universe filled with wonder and unknown, we feel so alone. Space is so unimaginably big, yet we have been confined within Earth’s atmosphere since our existence began, with no knowledge of what is really out there in the great depths of space. For so long, we have felt so alone with so many questions left unanswered. Curiosity is a characteristic of the human mind that we all share, and, since the creation of technology, we have been seeking answers to our astrobiological questions. Finally, we are able to scratch the surface, thanks to our technological advancements. But everything we have done is just that; scratching the surface. We must push ourselves to conduct more research, to reach out farther than we ever have, so that we may ultimately gain not only answers to …show more content…

Hematite is a mineral, and generally forms in the presence of water. Water offers the oxygen atoms that link with iron atoms in the mineral. On Mars, it seems that groundwater carrying and transporting dissolved iron had infiltrated through the sandstone to form the mineral hematite (Nasa, ).
The weather on Mars tends to continuously alternate, and can include whirling clouds, morning and afternoon mists, gusting winds and intense dust storms, which can blow at speeds of up to 250mph (CITE). These storms can proceed for weeks at a time and conceal the widespread planet, with dust rising up to 15 miles in the atmosphere. Mars is composed of numerous rocky layers. Its dense crust is 125 miles deep. This crust shields a deeper layer of heavier rock called the mantle, which is 1,360 miles thick. Mars center core is primarily made of iron. Unlike Earth’s fluid metal core, the core of Mars is indeed

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