Helicopter Parenting: Harmful To Child Development

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Helicopter Parenting: Harmful to Child Development It is a parent’s duty to ensure that their children are well developed and ready for the real-world. Now some parents will choose to be more involved than other parents in educating their children. Regardless of the way parents educate their children they need to ensure they are ready for the world. There is one real concern though that is the helicopter parent way of educating children. Helicopter parents are the parents who are overly involved in the lives of their children by making all the decisions for them and being the ones controlling their child’s life. Overly involved means they are always aware of what their child is doing. Many people will wonder if helicopter parents harm their …show more content…

Meaning that growing up in the twenty-first century is so much harder and even some choose to stay home and live with their parents. “In 2012, 36 percent of America’s young adults aged 18-31--the millennial generation-- were living at home with their parents” (Skinner 1). Although this is a valid argument this doesn’t change the fact that helicopter parents harm their children’s development by not letting them make their own decisions. The 21st century harms everyone but not as much as the harm caused by helicopter parents. The 21st century is a world with so much competition that their is no room for mistakes. So if the children don’t learn from their mistakes early on they will make mistakes in their adult world. So with helicopter parents one cannot learn for his mistakes as he does not make his own decisions and therefore helicopter parent’s children will not be adequately prepared for the twenty first …show more content…

However it turns out there is a correlation between the parent one may have and the way one might develop. So if the helicopter parents harm child development then coincidently these individuals will have a hard time making decisions and organizing their lives. More people might say that helicopter parents do not harm their child’s development as the child is already incapable of making their own decisions. However over time these children will learn to make their own decisions if they are not hovered by helicopter parents. The harm to child development made by a helicopter parent outweighs the benefits made. Parents need to let their children make mistakes in their decisions in order for them to learn and develop. Others will say helicopter parents can be role models for their children and therefore they will learn. So yes one might look at someone and be inspired and learn how to do things. However do people learn better doing things themselves or looking up to someone? Well by doing things themselves the kids will learn more than by watching their parents. So one might deduce that it is easier to learn without having a helicopter

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