Helicacter Pylori Case Study

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For many years, stomach was thought to be sterile due to its high acidic secretions in the gastric juice(#73) that’s why physicians previously attributed ulcers to stress or anxiety and did not believe that bacteria could be responsible for GIT (gastrointestinal tract) diseases. The first observations of bacteria in the stomach were presented in 1875, when two German anatomists, Bottcher and Letulle, found spiral bacteria colonizing the mucus layer of the human stomach, , in patients with gastric ulcers. However, as they were unable to cultivate the bacteria, the scientific community ignored their results. [4]( [4] Blaser MJ. An endangered species in the stomach. Scientific American 292, 38 - 45 (2005)doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0205-38.) …show more content…

(Rowland M, Daly L, Vaughan M, et al. Age‑specific incidence of Helicobacter pylori. Gastroenterology. 2006; 130: 65‑72). (#98) (Helicobacter Foundation http://www.helico.com/) (#88)(#92)
In China, the children aged between 3 to 12 years the prevalence of H. pylori infection is about 41%. [14] 14 Hunt RH, Xiao SD, Megraud F, Leon-Barua R, Bazzoli F, van der Merwe S, et al. Practice Guideline highlights: Helicobacter pylori in developing countries. WGO-OMGE 2006;11:22-29.
• 49% of Chinese population aged 15 to 22 years are positive to H.pylori.(#108).more recent cross-sectional study in Chinese population shows prevalence rate of (43.8%) [Helicobacter. 2014 Dec;19(6):437-42. doi: 10.1111/hel.12153. Epub 2014 Sep 25.Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection and its relation with body mass index in a Chinese population.Xu C1, Yan M, Sun Y, Joo J, Wan X, Yu C, Wang Q, Shen C, Chen P, Li Y, Coleman WG Jr. ] other studies shows that it was higher than 60% in some parts of China [9 Shi R, Xu S, Zhang H, Ding Y, Sun G, Huang X, et al. Prevalence and risk factors for Helicobacter pylori infection in Chinese populations. Helicobacter …show more content…


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