Hel Kel!

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There were other women that shared similar beliefs as Keller and who also spoke about their controversial political opinions. Joining the Socialist Party in 1906, only three years before Keller, Emily Greene Balch reviewed the living conditions of workers, immigrants, minorities, and women. A highly educated a respected teacher of sociology and economics, Balch inspired her students with her passion for bettering wages and conditions for laborers, women suffrage, and racial justice. Balch was best known for her antiwar efforts by leading the organization of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. During World War I, she worked with friend Jane Addams and traveled to neutral countries to persuade officials to intervene to stop the war. In 1946, Balch was given the Nobel Peace Prize with no congratulations from the United States government because she was labeled as a dangerous communist radical.
Like Balch, Keller was a supporter of improving working conditions and promoting peace during the World Wars and the Cold War. After many years of only expressing her socialist ideals through writing, Keller began to take physical action during the uproar of World War I. She joined with the radical union Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). This group “sought to unite all workers, skilled and unskilled, in the overthrow of capitalism via strikes, direct action, propaganda, and boycotts.” After previous strikes and riots, Keller decided to remove herself from the Socialist Party and become a radical member of the IWW because she felt that the Socialist Party was “too slow”. Keller was also a strong supporter of healthy international relations and saw violence to be the worst action to take during the country’s struggle w...

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...rently apolitical, overlooking the historical incidence, depth, and breadth of US radicalism.” Keller’s complicated life and controversial opinions enables her to be one of the most interesting subjects in history but also one of the most underexposed.
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Helen Keller believed that in order to be successful and make a difference, problems must be confronted, tried, and solved. Keller’s words of wisdom go hand in hand with the American way of success today. Without argumentation, criticism, or suffering, the nation cannot progress and succeed. With people like Helen Keller in society, who are always ready to challenge popular beliefs, America can and will continue to progress.

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