Heinrich Himmler Thesis

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Heinrich Himmler was a powerful man in WW II. He was the one with power under Hitler himself, a devoted loyalist to Hitler and the Nazi party. Heinrich Himmler is one of the main reasons for which the SS was formed. His power made him a dangerous man during WW II. He was born in 1900 and died in 1945. During this time he was responsible for the concentration camps and the SS during this horrible time of the Holocaust.

“Heinrich Himmler was born in Munich, October 7, 1900. He grew up in a staunchly middle-class,comfortable catholic german family. He had two brothers, an older brother Gebhard was born in 1898, about 2 years before Heinrich. His younger brother Ernst was born in 1905.”(Source card #2)“Himmler had graduated from a school in Landshut in July of 1919. …show more content…

While married he had kids with both wives, the first daughter, “Gudrun Burwitz in 1929”, “In 1942 he had a son named Helge”(Source Card …show more content…

The SD kept tabs on Hitler’s opponents within the Nazi party and gathered intelligence on leaders and activities of other political party as well as on government officials, both federal and local. On the last day of 1931, Himmler also established a Race and Settlement Office of the SS to evaluate applications of SS men seeking to marry under a new internal “Marriage Decree”. The “expertise” developed in this role of maintaining “racial purity” in the SS for which they would determine whether an individual was “German” or

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