Hedgehog Seahorse Research Paper

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There are many types of species throughout the world, from sea creatures to land creatures. Each with different appearances and abilities to help them survive. One very interesting animal is the seahorse but not just any random seahorse. Yet the hippocampus spinosissimus as known as the hedgehog seahorse. Which come from the syngathial family.The hedgehog seahorse has a maximum height of 17.2 cm and are either found in pairs or singles. They are known for being listed as vulnerable, the hedgehog seahorse is one of 47 different species. It is native to twelve different countries, and is known for being seen in four different FAO marine fishing areas. It also has vital parental care meaning they are independent at birth. The hedgehog reproduces by the male getting pregnant. The male seahorse is equipped with a pouch on the ventral, or front-facing, side of the tail. When mating, the female seahorse deposits up to 1,500 eggs in the male's pouch. The male carries the eggs for 9 to 45 days until the seahorses emerge fully developed but very …show more content…

Hippocampus Spinosissimus is traded live for the aquarium trade as well as dry for use in traditional medicine. Hedgehog Seahorse has consistently been recorded as one of the most abundant species in the international trade of seahorse. The population of this seahorse in global population estimate are currently unknown, but analyses of trade and surveys conducted by project seahorse have shown that this species is widely traded for traditional medicine, the aquarium trade and for curios. Based on large volumes of reported trade as a result of bycatch in multiple fisheries throughout its range. It is suspected that there have been continuing declines of at least 30% in the past 10 to 15 years and that these declines are likely to continue into the

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