Heczar-Personal Narrative

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Nearly fifty years had passed since the Awakening ceremony and Nightburn had discovered many things about himself and about the world around him. The landscape of Heczar had changed dramatically with new towns and villages sprouting up about the countryside. This had a direct impact on the politics of Heczar and his own castle and lands. Economic depression and the severe drought that affected the region over this time had increased membership in the order and his army ten-fold. Nightburn had changed also. He had learned with the helpful coaching of Balthazar how to focus his energy to unlock his supernatural powers. Alone in his room, he sat at his desk planning a course for one of his upcoming quests when a knock came on his door. …show more content…

The inner garden courtyard would be deserted at this time of day and no one would think to look for him there. He had spent a good deal of time over the last fifty years there, relaxing and rethinking the events of his day. Rarely was he interrupted and that is why he liked the place so well. The garden courtyard was large for an inner courtyard and flowers bloomed all along its paths. Gardens filled with plump tomatoes, carrots and green vegetables were found near the entrance and were harvested daily by the cooks of the manor. He secretly made his way to the courtyard and sat down on the stone bench near the narrow path in the middle of the yard. Mangus closed his eyes and began to relax, when a strange feeling began to overtake him. He opened his eyes and from the bench, he could see the large stone statute at the northern side of the garden, peeking through the tall grass. When he first started coming to the garden many years ago, he had noticed it but he had totally forgotten it until just now. Mangus got up and walked over to it. Carved into its base was a passage that he read out loud. “The World is in Chaos, only Order can set us Free.” Suddenly, he heard the sound of stone sliding on stone. He stepped away from the statue. The statute slowly moved revealing an entrance leading down underneath the its base. Mangus peered down into the entrance but it was too dark to see anything. With a flick of his hand, he produced a flame in his palm that lit his way as he descended the stone steps. After only a few steps, magical torches flit on emitting a bright blue flame that illuminating the rest of the way. He closed his hand and extinguished his flame and continued down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairway was a rectangular chamber with a statue of a large eagle was at its center. In each of his talons were a single orb

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