Heathcliff Madness

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In the book Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, she often views madness with a “discerning Eye.” In the book, a lot of characters show madness, one of the characters that shows madness is Heathcliff. Heathcliff does things that would make him seem like he was irrational, but sometimes there could actually be a good reason why he went mad. In the book, Heathcliff shows madness when he ran away from Wuthering Heights for three years. He overheard what Catherine said about not marrying him so she could marry Edgar, so he ran away and didn’t return for three years. He had a reason to get mad and to run away because he really loved Catherine and he really wanted to marry her, but she didn’t want to marry him because of his social class, she wanted to marry Edgar because he had a higher social class than Heathcliff. Heathcliff thought that Catherine really loved him, so when he overheard her talking, it really hurt his feelings to know that she was choosing Edgar over him because of social class. …show more content…

She married Edgar because he was in a higher social class, but she really loved Heathcliff. But if she would have went on and married her true love, Heathcliff, then she wouldn’t have died of “heartbreak,” she probably would still be living. So, it wasn’t Heathcliff’s fault that she died, it was her own fault, she broke her own heart because she wasn’t careful on who to choose to

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