Healthy Vs Unhealthy Rebellion

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19 Healthy vs Unhealthy Rebellion. It might sound confusing, but knowing the difference between healthy and unhealthy rebellion is an important step when dealing with teens in crisis. Healthy rebellion: Much like so many other things I talk about on my blog, and with parents of teens in crisis, healthy rebellion starts with communication between the parents and their teen. The parent must be really willing to listen and take an active interest in the teens desire to try understanding the world. A big part of the parental equation is to ask lots of questions, and provide reasonable restrictions where necessary. If both sides share their feelings and concerns with the other the doors of communication will not close. Healthy rebellion does not …show more content…

Healthy rebellion allows teens to bridge the gap, and become peers with the adults in their life. Unhealthy rebellion: Unhealthy rebellion happens when the doors of communication are closed and the parent/teen relationship is strained. Unhealthy rebellion is like a hurricane. It happens quickly and is usually accompanied by defiance, verbal aggression, and even sometimes physical acting out. Unhealthy rebellion leads to a lack of trust on both sides. When the teen feels that explaining his actions are going to get him nowhere deception is almost sure to follow. Unhealthy rebellion results in anger and resentment when it comes to restrictions and consequences. Without active communication your teen does not understand the values and reasoning behind what they cannot do, only that they are being forced to abide without mutual trust & understanding, and this causes your teen to become resentful and angry. When anger & animosity grow so do the rebellious acts. Unhealthy rebellion can lead to a general lack of control when it comes to dealing with authority as a whole. Unhealthy rebellion is damaging to both sides and can delay maturity. The Need for

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