Health Science Personal Statement

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I am writing to express my interest in your CHS 211, Technical Writing in the Health Sciences, class offered Spring 2017. This class is very vital in furthering my education in the community health science field. I am aware of the course components, and what your reputation is as an educator and I hope to appeal to you as a community health science student hoping to learn from your teachings as I move forward in my studies

Pursuing a job in the health sciences has been very important to me ever since I was a child. I am getting my degree in public health in hopes that I can continue my education and eventually become a physician assistant (P.A.) specializing in dermatology. Dermatology has been very fascinating to me ever since a young age. I was born with very sensitive skin and have had problems with rashes, breakouts, etc. and was always very curious as to why this would happen to me when most of my friends had seemingly perfect skin. I knew I wanted to be a P.A. during my middle school years. In order to be successful and respected as a P.A. I need to be able to write and speak professionally. I know this class would help me be able to achieve this. …show more content…

requires a lot of writing, I need to be proficient in this for my future career. This class could help prepare me immensely for these requirements including, writing prescriptions, ordering lab tests, and constructing treatment strategies for my patients. It would be very important in my profession to be able to write all of these things in a professional manner to gain respect and trust from patients and coworkers. This class could also be very beneficial to continuing my educational career. The skills and knowledge that I would gain in this class could immensely improve my grades in future courses. I am not the strongest writer and taking any sort of writing classes has helped me so

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