Health Care Reflection Paper

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I was very excited to have healthcare as the topic for my groups presentation, I’ve personally never had to deal with the logistics of healthcare or even needed to know how it worked. If I was sick I would go to the hospital or see a doctor and as long as they took my insurance, we were good to go. When we first started thinking about our topic as a group and the elements we wanted to add, we asked ourselves this: “What have we heard about healthcare but know nothing about?” the result was three main categories Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare. We assumed that as a group if we knew little about these topics, then there was a good chance no one in the class did either. Some of the things I found most interesting during the process of creating …show more content…

Some economists suggest that the market for healthcare is different from other competitive industries and therefore cannot act the same way. In principles, we learn the basic assumptions of a competitive market, (1) goods offered for sale are homogenous, (2) there must be many buyers and sellers so that each has a negligible impact on the market price and (3) For markets to work efficiently there can be no significant information failure affecting the decisions of the producers and consumers. In perfect competition, product’s must be homogeneous which means that goods that individual producers cannot alter or differentiate to collect a higher price. Health care is a heterogeneous product because the patient can experience a range of outcomes. There is an ongoing battle between hospitals and insurance companies. In theory, insurance companies negotiate with hospitals for a reduced rate. One of my favorites quotes I stumbled upon is from economist Uwe Reinhardt in regards to Obama and Obamacare “I wish I had a half hour with him to explain it to him. If you pit hundreds of little insurers against each other, what makes any one think that each of them has enough market clout to bargain successfully with a hospital? So I don 't think this public health plan, adding yet one more competitor, is going to bring costs down at …show more content…

Such as the notion of being “over covered”, studies show that 30% or more of U.S health care spending is on unnecessary care, since over-coverage reduces the cost of risky behaviors, such as unhealthy eating and smoking, people who are over covered have less incentives to make healthy lifestyle choices. Approximately 70% of all health care costs are directly related to personal behavior, costs that could have been prevented. Another interesting thing I learned was the idea that in the market for healthcare supply drives demand. In principles, we learned that as supply increased prices would fall. Title five of Obamacare talks about subsidizing education for healthcare workers, creating scholarships and loan repayment programs for physicians and nurses as well other healthcare professions. The government also tried this back in the 70’s with the idea that if there are more doctors there will be an incentive to lower the costs to compete for patients. This did not work out as expected, in healthcare supply drives demand, so when the supply increased, so did demand and, unfortunately so did the prices. When supply is high, doctors may lower their criteria for certain procedures, increasing the number of procedures done, as well as prescribe more visits to patients so that doctors continuously have

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