Headless Horseman Essay

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Analysis of the Video Clip, “The Headless Horseman Helps Tourism”
This ABC news clip explains how a small town thirty miles north of New York City originally named North Tarrytown changed their name to Sleepy Hollow to capitalize on Washington Irving’s scary tale, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” Irving lived in and wrote about the area, and he is even buried in the local cemetery. After General Motors closed their assembly plant in 1996, the city officials elected to establish the community’s identity based on the iconic symbol of the headless horseman to boost its economy by taking advantage of the large amount of retail spending during Halloween. The village draws in over 100,000 visitors by offering haunted hayrides, spooky cemetery tours, …show more content…

The tourism industry involves many sectors such as attractions, accommodations, transportation, and food services; however, some argue that people primarily travel because of the attraction industry. The attraction industry includes natural attractions such as natural parks, botanical gardens, and seasides; cultural attractions including museums, archaeological sites, and theater; events such as sports events, festivals, mega-events, and trade shows; recreation attractions including golf courses, hiking trails, and sightseeing; and entertainment attractions such as theme parks, casinos, and shopping centers. The attractions of the town of Sleepy Hollow are dedicated to educate the visitors not only about this classic American fictional tale but also the history and culture of the local area. However, the increased number of guests can lead to negative physical impacts such as traffic congestion, noise disturbances, and adverse effects on the environment. The city officials have convinced the members of the community that the revenues generated from their

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