Heading Into Darkness Once Again By Richard Rodriguez Summary

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Terrorism, random acts of violence, politically motivated attacks, and their psychological and societal consequences are nothing new; yet still, the effects are profoundly disturbing. Attacks undermine our presumptions about the safety of engaging in public life; a presumption that is vital for individuals, society, and the economy to carry on smoothly. The terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 have personally affected my life and has had consequences for many other individuals, the United States, and the world. In the essay, “Heading into darkness once again”, Richard Rodriguez postulates that the randomness and anonymity of terrorism is its most frightening aspect. While I do not disagree that these are integral aspects of what makes …show more content…

For any society, the ultimate consequences of terrorist attacks rests on its collective shoulder and is largely determined by the actions people and their government take as a response. In the wake of 9/11, the United States placed security as a top priority, sometimes in detriment to our freedoms and traditions. In the essay “Heading into darkness once again”, the author states, “The terrorist tries to break down civic life…[and] makes it necessary that inconvenience attaches to every act of the day.” This astute observation rings true today as security checkpoints have been normalized. We expect them at all major events and in public places like airports. Invasive pat-downs, surveillance, and body scans are more common than ever. Our government has deemed it fit to track citizens not only in public places, but it is now in the public record that millions of citizen’s phone calls, texts, emails, and purchases have been swept up and watched through massive surveillance programs. So too is it a matter of public record that anti-war protest groups, mosques, and others groups have had government spies planted in them to keep tabs on discussions. Through legislation like The Patriot Act, civil rights and privacy have arguably been curtailed. Programs of indefinite detention without trial, rendition, and torture have tarnished America’s reputation abroad. The two wars that resulted from 9/11 have affected the lives of millions. Still today, the far reaching geo-political consequences of Americas actions after 9/11 can be seen in world headlines. Vested interests throughout society, as well as terrorists, and agenda driven propagandists have used the attacks of 9/11 in attempts to stir and sway the public’s emotions and beliefs and capitalize on our

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