Hazard Analysis In Safety Management

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The Federal Aviation Administration in its System Safety Process Steps handbook defines a hazard as “a condition, event, or circumstance that could lead to or contribute to an unplanned or undesired event” (Federal Aviation Administration, 2005, p. 1). The focus here will be on the “unplanned” event and the desire to avoid any injury, illness, or death of people and any damage to equipment or property; or harm to the environment. I will take a look at the identification of hazards as they pertain to aviation both through observation of current events and through analysis of past events. After looking into hazard identification I will next look at hazard assessment. The process of determining the likelihood the hazard will occur and the impact the hazard could have. Next I will examine some of the control measures that can be employed to mitigate the hazard. Finally, I will look at hazard analysis in Safety Management Systems (SMS) as an ongoing effort to improve safety continuality. After all the mitigation of hazards is what SMS is all about.
Hazard Identification
Hazard analysis begins with a through documentation and analysis of a system and its components. The task to be performed or system to be operated must be fully understood. All interactions of a system involving people, hardware, software, and the surrounding environment must be considered (Stolzer, Halford, & Goglia, 2008, p. 21-22). Only when the system or task is completely understood can the proper analysis be made for risk identification. All possible “What ifs” scenarios must be considered and that requires a thorough understanding of the task or system. A high caliber identification team should contain engineers, technicians, operators, managemen...

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...o the process is necessary (Federal Aviation Administration, 2005, p. 2).
In conclusion, this paper proposed that Hazard Analysis begins with a thorough understanding and documentation of the system being considered. It also noted that it takes a team of people for all areas involved and even outside experts to examine all possible “What ifs” scenarios that must be considered. It was stated that Hazard Assessment consists of main two parts; the potential for occurrence and severity of the mishap if it does occur. A defined Risk Assessment Matrix was given to help in consistently evaluating the risk. In controlling risk a "safety order of precedence" to risk mitigation has given. It stated the first focus should be designing to minimalize risk, followed by incorporate safety devices, providing warning devices, and finally developing procedures and training.

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